Dental implants have been used successfully for many years. In the industrialized countries around the world, an estimated five million implants were placed in patients’ mouths in 2009.

The implant itself is a post that is surgically placed in the jaw. During the restorative phase, we attach the prosthesis (artificial tooth or teeth) to the post. For each unique situation, there is an equally unique way to use dental implants. However, all of the treatments can be placed in two categories: removable or fixed prostheses.

Fewer implants are necessary when used in conjunction with a removable denture. However, more implants are necessary when used in conjunction with a fixed bridge, which feels most like your natural teeth and is usually more desirable than removable dentures. Dental implants are a permanent solution for missing teeth and are more comfortable than removable dental appliances.

We will install the restoration, whether a single tooth or multiple teeth are involved and whether the restoration is a crown, bridge or anchors for dentures.

Contact us to learn how we can complete your smile.