Dr. Joe Boyle’s Ketamine background…

The pathway that we took to arrive at opening a Ketamine clinic in Colorado Springs involved my son Daniels serious spinal cord injury. At the end of 2018, Daniel was involved in a bad car wreck resulting in complete spinal cord transaction at the top 10 level leaving him numb and paralyzed from the waist down.

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To further complicate his problems…

To complicate his problems the injury was associated with severe continuous neuropathic pain in his legs. The pain resulted from nerves in a spinal cord that were severed from his legs that could still communicate with his brain continuously sending aberrant nerve signals.

This is fairly common with spinal cord injuries. The constant pain prevented Daniel from sleeping and began Seriously alter his personality.

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We tried multiple medications…

He accepted the limitations of his spinal cord injury and worked hard to find ways to go on living his life as normally as possible. The nerve pain was a constant oppressive presence that seriously limited his ability to live a normal life and to have normal relationships and interactions with his family and friends.

We tried multiple medication‘s with varying degrees of success but none really brought the pain under control.

We all became very discouraged with the constant pain and the changes it wrought onto his personality.

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Extensive experience with ketamine…

I have extensive experience with ketamine for many years for procedural sedation and pain control in the emergency department. I had read about ketamine for chronic pain and depression and felt that it would be a potentially useful adjunct to his current therapies.

After beginning ketamine treatments, we noted an immediate improvement in his depression and anger. It did not completely eliminate his pain, but it did allow him some sleep and it brought back little by little his previous personality and happier disposition.

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It was still a very difficult time…

It was still a very difficult time and ketamine certainly did not solve all of his problems, but it was a huge help and gave Daniel and the entire family some hope.

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