Ketamine Treatment in Colorado Springs

My work in the emergency department has come with the frustration of only dealing with medical problems after they have escalated to level that brings the patient into the emergency department. I have always felt that addressing many of these problems earlier is a more effective approach.

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Ketamine uses and its limitations…

Ketamine has been found to be useful for the following conditions:

  • Depression

  • Neuropathy

  • Chronic Pain

  • PTSD

  • Transitioning patients from chronic opiate therapy

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Ketamine is not a standalone treatment

It must be used in conjunction with other medication and psychological talk therapy.

Ketamine is a general anesthetic and while it has a much better risk profile than many other general anesthetics, it still has some of the risks associated with anesthesia.

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Ketamine‘s excellent safety profile…

Starting in the mid 80s, I worked in an animal science lab and we use ketamine fairly extensively for procedural sedation. In medical school I learned about ketamine‘s excellent safety profile as a general anesthetic.

Beginning in residency in 1991 and throughout my career I have used ketamine safely for pain control and procedural sedation in the emergency department.

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Good to know…

Questions potential patients should ask their providers:

1) How much experience have you had using ketamine, and how much training have you had? Dr. Joe has used it for over 30 years.

2) Are you currently or have you ever been credentialed at a hospital to use ketamine on your patients unsupervised?

3) Are you trained and certified to manage patients under sedation or general anesthesia, and are you qualified to resuscitate patients who have complications or problems.

4) Are you a Nurse Practitioner, Physician’s Assistant, Physician M.D. or D.O.? Dr. Joe is an M.D.

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